Thursday, June 7, 2012

Split-Second Decency and Prolonged Determination

Bill & Bill's House
For the second time in less than a week, I set a new personal distance record for riding my bike yesterday.  After powering through 36 miles of NYC streets last Saturday, I spent Wednesday cruising on a 40-mile jaunt through Palisades Park.

There were many moments of wonder contained inside the nine hours or so it took me to complete these trips, but none stand out more than the split-second I locked eyes with the funniest man in America and one of my favorite actors, Mr. Bill Murray.

My career has forced me to live in some crappy towns, and it's rarely been financially rewarding, but it has enabled me to cross paths with celebrities a good number of times over the years, so I'm generally able to avoid getting starstruck.  However this wasn't just any star, this was Bill Freaking Murray- absurdist philosopher, groundhog thiefand my favorite minor league baseball owner of all time!

It took a few well-timed coincidences to bring me eye-to-eye with my own personal king of comedy:

  • As I was driving up to Fort Lee in the morning, I knew I wanted to ride far, but I was still deciding between the trip north to Nyack, or a deep push into previously un-rolled upon parts of Brooklyn.  As I pulled into my parking space, I chose the treetops over the brownstones
  • Along that rural pathway, I made several random stops to take snapshots of things that caught my eye.
  • My water bottle ran out just as I came across The Filling Station burger stand in Palisades, NY, giving me reason to pull over for a refill.

Besides some fresh agua, I was also looking for a quick breather when I rolled into The Filling Station.  I took a few months off riding during the winter and I'm just recently getting back into the swing of long rides.  Saturday's four-borough blitz that also included a few hours walking around the Bronx Zoo had completely done me in, and this route through the Palisades was even longer, though thankfully not quite as hilly. So after a big chug and a few deep inhales, I turned back to the road to continue my journey.  

The Filling Station
As I scanned the picnic tables I saw a few random diners scarfing down their meals, and there he was in the flesh: Bill Murray, absolutely crushing a burger. We're talking full-on, veggies and crumbs flying everywhere, juice dripping down the fingers CRUSHING it.  He looked up for a moment, I caught his eye, and in that moment of recognition I had a split second-decision to make.

What would you have done?
On the one hand, I love this guy and with all the little things that had to work out, timing-wise, to bring me to that moment, there is an argument that this was fate giving me what may end up as the only opportunity I ever get to thank him for all the positive impact his work has made on my life.  On the other hand, here is a guy who clearly was enjoying every single thing about that cheeseburger, living in his own moment of greatness that may have been just as fated as my own ... I'm going to interrupt that?

These mental calculations took nano-seconds to make, and in the blink of an eye I decided to err on the side of the Golden Rule.  I know that during those rare times I myself am able to reach Burger Nirvana, the last thing I want is to be interrupted (granted I don't really have a nation of adoring fans out there), and so I left Mr. Murray to his bliss, and went along my way.

One Friend Weighs In
Of course I had to stop and text a few friends about the encounter.  Some urged me to go back, others said I did the right thing...I'd like to think I did the right thing, but I also doubt I'll ever stumble upon a chance to say hello to a true legend like that ever again.

The rest of the ride went great, the little village communities that hug the Hudson river are beautiful, and I can see why Bill chooses to live in the area. I'm proud that I'm establishing myself as a 40-mile rider and I don't think pushing on and polishing off a 50-miler will be any problem at all.


  1. Awesome story. Surely you did the right thing. Way to not be that guy.

  2. Thanks brother, I agree ... what could be worse than pissing off one of my heroes, right?
