Friday, August 9, 2013

Big Brother 15 Power Rankings - Down Goes Judd!

That Just Happened...

First off, Wow, just wow. It's not a TOTAL surprise to see Judd walk out the door in 10th Place, but I didn't expect it to go down like that. He and his bear shirt had grown into fan favorites and I, along with a lot of others, thought he was going to go a lot farther in the game. Right after it happened, a couple of my "episode-only" friends who know I've been watching the live feeds hit me up with texts, emails, and tweets, all expressing the same thing - "Whaaaaaaa?" 

Honestly though, what really shocked me was Aaryn winning another HOH in a massive More/Less Game bombout by a bunch of other players. I didn't expect to see that many people eliminated in one fell swoop, and I never would've picked the Bigoted Bobcat Barbie to be the one to survive.

Candice's explosion was no surprise at all of course, but was no less ferociously entertaining, apparently she's a good person but you wouldn't know it if you watched the show lately. I feel for the abuse she had to put up with in the House, but it pushed her into a place where she acted ugly and petty herself, and that's too bad.

...and so did That